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Below is listed the controllers of the Full Gauge that has serial communication with the Sitrad. For detailed information to the functionalities of the instruments access the address

imagem_tc900clockTC-900 clock

Temperature controller for refrigerated counters, which allows to schedule up to eight daily defrosts.

imagem_tc940TC-940Ri plus

Temperature controller for refrigerated counters. It features a digital input with three operating modes: open door warning, defrost start by external synchronization, or nighttime setpoint. It also features an internal audible alarm (buzzer) and a configurable digital filter, which aims at simulating an increase of environment sensor (S1) mass, thus increasing its response time (thermal inertia).

imagem_tc960TC-960Ri plus

Beyond all the features available on TC-900 line, it has an internal audible alarm (buzzer), switch key to turn the loads on/off, digital input for external alarms, internal clock to synchronize the defrost process and monitor the compressor working hours, in order to indicate the exact period for maintenance.

imagem_mt530plusMT-531Ri plus

Temperature and humidity controller with an auxiliary output for operation as a dual stage thermostat or humidistat. It can also operate as an alarm. It also includes an internal buzzer.

imagem_mt530superMT-530 Super

Three outputs: one for temperature control, another for humidity control, and a third one for auxiliary purposes which may operate as a second stage for temperature control or humidity control, or as a cyclic timer. MT-530  Super is capable of monitoring output status, against an user-configurable time, to warn if the controlled variable is not reaching the configured value, which may be an indication of improperly dimensioned or faulty equipment. It also features an internal audible alarm (buzzer).

imagem_mt530plusMT-530 plus

Temperature and relative humidity controller with independent outputs. Acts on a range between 20 and 85%RH.

imagem_mt512riplusMT-512Ri LOG

Offers the same features as MT-512Ri plus and has an internal memory for data storage (datalogger), which enables you to record the temperature gauged and the control exit status at user-defined time intervals.

imagem_mt512riplusMT-512Ri plus

Temperature controller with an output command and defrost function for cold counters.

imagem_mt543riMT-543Ri plus

Digital controller with 3 outputs for cooling or heating. With an internal buzzer.

imagem_mt543rilogMT-543Ri LOG

It has the same features as MT-543Rplus besides a real time clock and an internal memory (datalogger) that store the temperature data for certain periods of time and the temperature variations. It also has an internal rechargeable battery that permits data recording even during a power outage.

imagem_microsol2Microsol II plus

Differential temperature controller with three sensors for solar heat systems.

imagem_microsol2powerMicrosol II power

Differential temperature controller with three sensors for solar heat systems.A versatile switched-mode power supply and powerful relays that directly commands without the need of magnetic contactors motors up to 1HP and electrical resistances up to 7500W. It features the anti-freeze and overheating functions, which prevents the water from freezing and overheating within the pipes.

imagem_pct210rilogPCT-210Ri LOG

It has 2 outputs, one for control, and the other one for alarms. It also has an real time clock, and internal memory, enabling to record the differential pressure data in certain periods defined by the users, or due the pressure variation or alteration of output status.


imagem_pct400PCT-400Ri plus

Digital pressostat for high or low pressure, controlling up to four compressors or four fans.

imagem_pct410PCT-410Ri plus

For cooling premises, it features five control outputs (four digital outputs and one 0-10VDC analog output) for frequency inverter proportional control. In addition, it features one auxiliary digital output (NC contact) that can be used to indicate pressure out-of-range (under/over) or sensor not working.

imagem_pct420PCT-420Ri plus

Pressure controller with four independent outputs.

imagem_pct3000_zoom110PCT-3000 plus

Controller for racks with 4 configurable pressure controllers and 26 outputs.

imagem_pct1610_zoom88PCT-1610 plus

The PCT-1610 plus is a pressure controller for refrigeration plants that require control in their suction and discharge stages. With up to three internal pressure switches.

imagem_pct1600_zoom152PCT-1600 plus

Pressure controller featuring 16 outputs (double suction and discharge) for mounting racks, which: 3 pressures transducers (control) and 3 temperatures sensors (safety); 6 configurable digital inputs; 3 operation modes for the compressors (sequential, according to capacity, and rotative output actuaction according to operation time). It also enables you to configure night and day set points, allowing a great energy saving.

imagem_mt516rvtiMT-516 RVTi plus

Digital controller for cooling or heating.  It monitors the network voltage.

imagem_rt607RT-607Ri plus

Digital controller  for cooling or heating. It has a schedule to program up to four different daily events.

imagem_ahc80AHC-80 plus

Digital controller with 3 outputs for cooling or heating. With an internal buzzer.

imagem_phaselogPhaseLOG plus

Voltage monitor equipped with three-phase load protection and datalogger.

imagem_switchlogSwitchLOG plus

An instrument for voltage monitoring and protection of refrigerated transport. Protects the refrigeration system compressor and selects the arrangement of motor winding coils using a specific output, such that the motor can receive the local voltage, ensuring the compressor is connected to the correct power mains. Has an internal memory (datalogger).

imagem_pwr3200_zoom95PWR-3200 plus

Three-phase energy meter, power factor and electric demand controller with 32 control outputs. It also allows to measure the voltage and electric current for the 3 phases and calculate the energy consumption ratio of active, reactive and apparent power (three-phase and single-phase). It features an 8Mb datalogger inside memory.

imagem_energylogEnergyLOG plus

Instrument for monitoring and displaying the electric energy quality and consumption which features a real time clock and internal memory to periodically store the electric network data measured and the user can configure the period between measurements.

imagem_autopidAutoPID plus

Temperature controller with proportional output for heating and cooling processes.

imagem_ti33TI-33Ri plus

Digital thermometer with three imputs.


Expansor module with 6 entrances and 4 outputs. It's a complement to the controllers line, verifying motors, compressors, ventilators, the opening and closing of doors and windows, switches, buildings alarms and others.

imagem_humitech4v3HUMITECH Super

Temperature and humidity controller used only in poultry farm and swine nurseries. Has a internal datalogger and USB connection to make upload of data without a computer.

imagem_humitech4v3HUMITECH Super V.3

Humitech Super is an environment controller equipped with 22 control outputs built-in. It monitors environment temperature, humidity and differential pressure in order to control a wide range of equipment, such as water spraying, cooling, heating, minimum ventilation, exhauster and curtain devices.

imagem_humitech2HUMITECH II plus

Temperature and humidity controller used only in poultry farm and swine nurseries.

imagem_mt512r17MT-512 R17

Temperature controller with an output command and defrost function for cold counters.

imagem_mt516plus_zoom88MT-516 plus

Digital controller for cooling or heating.

imagem_tc900plus_zoom92TC-900 plus

Temperature controller for refrigerated counters.


See Also

 The Main Screen


 Common Panel

 Model Guides


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