The PCT-3000 plus panel is displayed as shown below.
The upper left corner shows the device status.
In its middle section the panel shows the device digital displays. For each compressor the operating pressure, pressure setpoint, percentage of demand and percentage of analog output (when enabled) are displayed. The digital display can also exhibit the device status. “N/R” means the corresponding device is Not Responding. In this case the device status shows “Failure” or “Disconnected”. The digital display also shows “- - -“ when the device status is “Maintenance”.
Right below the information for each pressure controller the panel has three buttons related to information/control of the corresponding pressure controller. The buttons allow you to:
Display general data about the pressure controller readings. |
Display the configuration screen for the pressure controller assigned outputs. |
Display the pressure controller’s alarm list. When the pressure controller is alarmed the button appears red ( |
Beside the pressure controller information we can see the digital input status indicators and also the output indicators for the device. A red indication means the corresponding input/output is activated. Each output surrounding color relates to the pressure controller it belongs to: Green – 1st pressure controller, Yellow – 2nd pressure controller, Lilac – 3rd pressure controller – Blue – 4th pressure controller. If the last outputs are configured as alarm, their surrounding color will be red.
You can use the Parameter button in the panel to access the device functions.
See Also
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