Panel of the Microsol II power

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Panel of the Microsol II power

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Below, we have the information panel for the Microsol II power.


As we can see, the indication of the status of the instrument, in the upper left hand corner of the panel. Just below the status, we have the pump operation mode and, below that, the current time and date on the instrument’s internal clock.

Below, we find information referring to the alarms for the instrument. If any of them are activated, the indication light on the side of the alarm will turn yellow.

Beside of the three items cited above, is the representation of the instrument's display. It shows simultaneously the temperature of the first sensor, the temperature of the second sensor and, between the two temperature displays, the temperature differential. The display may also indicate the status of the instrument, when the display shows "N/R", it will be indicating that the instrument in question is not responding. You can see that the status of the instrument is indicating "Failure" or "Disconnected". If the status of the instrument indicates "Maintenance", the display will simply show "- - -".

Beside of the representation of the display, we have the indicators of the state of the instrument outputs: PUMP, AUX1 and AUX2. When a red light appears in the space corresponding to the output, this will indicate that it is on. The outputs activated indicate that:

- PUMP: the pump output is on;

- AUX1: the first auxiliary output is on;

- AUX2: the second auxiliary output is on.

Further down we can also see the information about the cyclic timer of the second auxiliary output if it is configured to work in the cyclic timer mode.

On the right side of the panel we have a description of the model and, below that, the space for your company's logo.

Also on the panel, there is the Parameters and Min & Max button, to access the Instrument functions, and view the minimum and maximum temperatures reached by the sensors.


If the instrument is configured to use the auxiliary outputs, two buttons will be shown to manually activate/deactivate the auxiliary outputs.



See Also



 Other Instruments


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