Setup of MT-512Ri LOG

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Setup of MT-512Ri LOG

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To access the setup of an instrument, select it and then click on the Setup button. Thus, the system will request the access code and then, it will display the functions of the instrument.


The MT-512Ri LOG parameter screen allows the user to configure the function values and the temperature setpoint for the device.

To make a change just click the desired function and input the desired value in the Value field. Then click Send or just press Enter to confirm the function configuration settings.

Click the help button (blue question mark) to make the system show the description for the selected function.

In order to synchronize the internal device clock with your computer clock click the RTC setting button. This is the button with a red clock icon.

You can also set all device functions at once by sending preset data configured by the user with the Preset Editor. To send preset data to device select the desired preset data in the pull down menu close to the model name.



See Also




 Other Instruments


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