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A Preset covers the setup an instrument model. The user can configure the values of the functions of an instrument model in the manner that they wish.

Tela Editor

Using the Preset functionality, the user is able to modify the setup of the instruments in the quickest manner possible. Creating Presets for the configurations that are frequently used, the user can alter the entire setup of an instrument in a few seconds, instead of configuring each function individually.

To access the Preset Editor, in Sitrad, click on the File menu item and then on Preset Editor. You can also open the Preset Editor directly through Windows via the Start menu.

Note: There is no limit to the number of presets that can be registered. They are kept in the file Recipes.cfg in the database folder.


See Also

 Creating a new Preset        

 Removing a Preset

 Editing a Preset

 Exporting Presets

 Importing Presets

 Sending a Preset to the Instrument


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