Alarms of PCT-1600 plus

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Alarms of PCT-1600 plus

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Alarm 1 indicates that one of the sensors (pressure or temperature) is disconnected, faulty or out of the operating range.

Alarm 2 indicates Suction 1 is alarmed

Alarm 3 indicates Suction 2 is alarmed

Alarm 4 indicates Discharge is alarmed

Alarm 5 indicates that one or more outputs passed the time limit configured for Maintenance.

Alarm 6 indicates that at least one of the three compressors has a total capacity different than 100% when the output capacities are added together.

The Reset Alarm button allows you to use the Sitrad for resetting the alarm manually when the device requires a manual alarm Reset.

Note 1: Click over the text for any of the alarms to make the system display more info about the alarm (ex: if the alarm is for a high or low value, which output requires maintenance, etc.)

Note 2: Regarding the temperature alarms, the threshold values must be informed as a virtual alarm by clicking the Virtual button. For more info about using the virtual alarms, select Using Virtual Alarms.



See Also



 Output Configuration

 Other Instruments


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