Associating Pressure Gauges

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Associating Pressure Gauges

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To associate a pressure gauge to another, first, highlight it, click on the menu item Configuration then click on the item Pressure Switch Association. A sub-menu will appear with two items: Insert and Remove. Click on Insert to display the dialogue box Associate Pressure Switch.

Another way to associate a pressure gauge is to click on the right button of the mouse over the desired instrument on the instruments list and then click on the Create Link option on the menu that will appear.


Select the desired pressure gauge, and afterwards, confirm the association by clicking on the OK button.

Note: Upon locating a station, and it is a pressure gauge, the dialogue box Associate Pressure Switch plus will be displayed, in the event that there are pressure gauges available for association.


See Also




 Rearming Alarms

 Disassociate Pressure Gauges

 Other Instruments


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