Operate Sitrad

Check Sitrad’s performance connected to a few instruments in the company’s laboratory. You can manage the control parameters and generate reports and graphs in real time. You will also be able to visualize the instruments, via a camera (webcam).

How to proceed:

1. Fill the form below.
2. Click send.
3. Download REMOTE  module version.
4. Click on SetupRemote.exe to begin installation.
5. Follow the steps for installation until it finishes.
6. Open the program through the icon on the Desktop.

P.S.: There are two file formats to you download: one is executable (.exe) and the other is a winzip file (.zip).
If your provider stops downloads of executable files we recommend download in zip format.

7. A screen of servers will appear Click in Connect.
8. Abrirá a tela de login. Em nome de usuário digite rodar. No campo senha, digite rodar.

You're going to begin an operation of Sitrad in a real server

(You can obtain better results with Internet Explorer)

Segment*: Industry Wholesaler Installer
Final Consumer
Country Code*: Area Code*: Commercial
phone number*:
Web site:
Contact origin*:
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Choose which format you want to download:*:
*Required fields
Your IP address:

If the configurations have been lost or excluded, follow the steps down to form again.
1. Open the installed program.
2. On the Server Control screen click on Add button.
3. A box to insert a new server will open. In name, type Server. In Address, type: Click on Ok.
4. Click on Connect. On the box login, type rodar for the username and password. Click on OK.


Phone/fax: +55 51 3778-3434
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