Merging connectivity and complete control from anywhere, anytime.

Sitrad is Full Gauge Controls’ software for remote management of refrigeration, heating, air conditioning and solar heating installations. It complies with the strictest market requirements because it is constantly updated by a Full Gauge Controls team specially dedicated to this. Versatile, it provides both local and remote access to installations from the most diverse segments, from supermarket chains, meat-packing plants and restaurants, to hotels, hospitals, laboratories and homes, among others.

It continuously evaluates, configures and stores temperature, humidity, time, pressure and voltage data, allowing a modification of instrument operating parameters with complete safety and accuracy, from anywhere in the world, via the internet, through a computer or mobile phone.
And what does it cost to have all these possibilities at hand? Not a thing. Sitrad is available free of charge.

So, ensure you always have control of your installations. Use Sitrad.

Phone/fax: +55 51 3778-3434
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