System Requirements

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System Requirements

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Local Module


Pentium II 400 MHz or higher

30 MB of HD size

128 MB of RAM (recommendable 512 MB)

Windows NT/XP/2000/2003/2008/Vista/7

1 USB ou Serial communication port (COM1 or COM2)


Remote and Demonstration Module


Pentium II 400 MHz or higher

10 MB of HD size

128 MB of RAM (recommendable 256 Mb)

Windows NT/XP/2000/2003/2008/Vista/7

Only for Sitrad Remote you need an Internet or intranet connection


Mobile Module

The minimum requirements of the cellular phone or tablet depend on the operating system used:

Apple iOS

4 MB of free space on the cellular phone

iOS version 5.0 or newer

Google Android

1 MB of free space on the cellular phone

Android version 2.2 or newer

Windows Phone

1 MB of free space on the cellular phone

Windows Phone version 7.5 or newer

Cellular Phones with Java

80 Kb of free space on the cellular phone

Minimum Java configurations: MIDP-2.0 and CLDC-1.1.

All systems require internet access in order to attain access to the data server.

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