The system offers the functionality of controlling defrosts by computer for the TC-900 plus model and visualizing/configuring the defrost schedule for the TC-900 clock model.
To manipulate the instrument's defrost schedule, click on the menu item Configuration then on Defrost Schedule or on the Common Panel, click on the Schedule button.
In the Defrost Schedule Editor, there's a list containing all of the input instruments (models TC-900 plus and TC-900 clock) and various times divided into 10-minute intervals.
To schedule a defrost, click on the day of the week, and then on the cell corresponding to the desired instrument and time. The text "Def" will appear in the cell indicating the schedule. Once the schedule has been modified, the list text will be bold, indicating that the schedule has been changed and it will stay that way until it has been saved.
To save the schedule, click on the menu items Schedule and Save or click on the Save button on the toolbar. You can also press the shortcut CTRL+S.
The user can also repeat defrosting schedules from one day to the next. To do so, take the following steps:
1) Select the day of the week that you want to schedule the defrosting;
2) Click on the menu item Tools then on Repeat or directly on the Repeat button on the toolbar.
3) In the dialogue box that pops up, select the day of the week that is being scheduled and click on the OK button.
Steps 2 and 3 can be shortened by clicking on the "down arrow" next to the Repeat button. A list will pop up with the days of the week to be selected.
The defrosting schedule for the TC-900 plus model is controlled by the computer, and to do so, the system must be run and the communication must be on. Likewise, the defrosting schedule for the TC-900 clock model is stored in the instrument itself, making it necessary to send the schedule to the input instruments.
To send the weekly schedule to the instruments, click on the menu items Schedule, Send and then Weekly Schedule or click on the Send button on the toolbar. It's also possible to use the shortcut CTRL+E. If just you want to schedule a day, click on the menu items Schedule, Send and then Schedule the selected day.
To read the instruments' schedule for the TC-900 clock model, click on menu items Schedule, Read and then Weekly Schedule, or click on the Read button on the toolbar. It's also possible to use the shortcut CTRL+L. If you only want to read the daily schedule, click on the menu items Schedule, Read and Schedule the selected day.
Note: When you open the Defrost Schedule Editor, the system will first automatically read the defrosting schedules for the TC-900 clock model instruments.
See Also
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