Panel of the PCT-410Ri plus

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Panel of the PCT-410Ri plus

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Below, we have the information panel for the PCT-410Ri plus.


As we can see the left upper panel corner displays device operation mode, control running mode and pressure controller type.

Below the indication of the operating mode, we find the information referring to the alarms for the instrument. If any of them are activated, the indication light on the side of the alarm will turn yellow.

At the right side of this indication the device LED display is represented. It shows the sensor pressure and below it the analog output value is displayed. The display may also indicate the status of the instrument, when the display shows "N/R", it will be indicating that the instrument in question is not responding. You may observe that the status of the instrument will be indicated "Failure" or "Disconnected". If the status of the instrument indicates "Maintenance", the display will simply show "- - -".

Below the representation of the display, we can see the indication of the setpoint of the pressure and the control differential (hysteresis).

Beside the LED display indication we have the device output status indicators: OUT1, OUT2, OUT3, OUT4 and ALRM. A red indication means the corresponding output is activated. Below the output indication we can see the percentage of stages’ actuation demand and the digital input status indicator.

The panel also includes the Reset Remote Alarm button to clear the alarm indicator, the Output Timer button to display the operation time for each output and the Parameter button to access device functions.

When the device highlighted is associated to other device, a button to select the other device appears beside the Parameter button.



See Also




 Associate Pressure Gauges

 Disassociate Pressure Gauges

 Other Instruments


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