HPC-01 Panel

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HPC-01 Panel

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Below, we have the information panel for the HPC-01.


As we can see, the upper left panel section shows the device status. Below it, the device alarm data is displayed. If an alarm is activated, the corresponding indicator LED beside the alarm lits in yellow.

Beside the status information and alarm data the device LED display is represented, showing simultaneously the temperature at/in both sensors and highlighting the sensor 1 temperature (water temperature). If the device is configured to an operation mode that does not use the defrosting sensor, the corresponding sensor display remains hidden. The main function of the display is to show the temperature of the sensors, however it may also indicate the status for the instrument. When the display shows "N/R", it will be indicating that the instrument in question is not responding. You may observe that the status of the instrument will be indicated "Failure" or "Disconnected". If the status of the instrument indicates "Maintenance", the display will simply show "- - -".

Beside of the representation of the display, we have the indicators of the state of the instrument outputs: PUMP, FAN, COMP1 and COMP2. When a red light appears in the space corresponding to the output, this will indicate that it is on. The outputs activated indicate the following:

- PUMP: the water circulation pump is ON;

- FAN: the fan is ON;

- COMP1: Compressor 1 is ON;

- COMP2: Compressor 2 or reversing valve is ON.

Below the device output state indication section we can see the utility power supply voltage, the time elapsed in the current stage and the control status.

At the control status section you can manually turn the control ON or OFF. You can also turn the water circulation pump ON or OFF.

At the right side of the panel is the model name and underneath a free space is available for the company logo.

Also the Setup button is available on the panel to allow access to the device functions (an access code is needed).



See Also



 Others Instruments


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