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Access through the browser in the mobile phone where you want to install the application. Click "Next", provide the registration information, and click "Next" again. On the last screen, click "Download" to download the application to the mobile phone.

The cellular telephone operator may charge for downloading the application through a data connection. Consult your operator to find out the values charged for this type of connection.

After completing the download of the application, the mobile phone will start installing it automatically. Warning and confirmation screens can vary from one mobile to another. If the mobile phone issues a warning saying the software is not signed, choose an option that allows continuing the installation. In case you are updating the software, if the mobile phone asks whether you want to keep the old data, confirm that you do.

The folder where the application is stored in the mobile phone also varies in accordance with the model. Usually, it will be saved to a folder called "Applications" or "Games".

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