Remote Access Manager

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Remote Access Manager

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The Remote Access Manager is the program responsible for allowing access to the instruments input in the Sitrad Local through a Sitrad Remote.

It is automatically started when the Sitrad Local program is started.


Through the Remote Access Manager, we can restrict accesses to the Sitrad Local, as well as verify the connections that are being made. It also works as an adjunct to the server, so that it does not have to process all of the information requested by the Sitrad Remote.

On the Remote Access Manager screen, we can see the IP number for the local machine on the Information for the Remote Access Manager panel, as well as the port that is being used for connection of the Sitrad Remote, the Status of the connection with the Sitrad Local, and the number of active connections at the time.

Note: The Sitrad Remote may only access the instruments input into the Server if the Remote Access Manager is operating normally.


See Also

 Starting the Manager


 Connecting Remote Access Manager to Sitrad Local

 Ending the Manager


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